Thank you for your ramble today Suzanne and for bringing us baalets, birdsong and bunnies. I haven’t managed a walk today. Partly because of fibromyalgia pain not being great this morning and partly because of an appointment to have braces fitted ahead of jaw surgery in a year or so 😬

My daughter was so sweet when I asked her for advice on managing the anxiety. She told me to ‘just remember it’s not going to last forever’. I can just imagine her saying that to herself when she’s having a tough day.

So ... what has adversity shown me?

I think it has shown me the treasure inside myself and others. Qualities that aren’t governed by life’s circumstances but by our ability to make something beautiful out of those experiences. Dignity, unconditional love, compassion, empathy, anger that drives change.

And what do I need to thrive?

Family (including the PMH family) who love and support me and who I can love and support. Time to connect and space to breathe and just be.

And nature. Definitely nature. Sophie was most put out that I didn’t take her half-eaten-scone-hunting again today!

Hope you got on well with your life admin Suzanne and hope you find the perfect fit for the job tomorrow.

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Lovely birdsong in your ramble today, Suzanne. Baalets! 🐑🐑

I have gained an extended family of people who "get it" - the support network and enveloping cushion of PMHers who are there for each other...

I have gained knowledge and skills from walking this path and am able to utilise them to support others and make positive changes.

Gaining confidence to implement boundaries (to help protect thriving conditions). I was at work this morning but full of cold and feeling very rough so finished at 2 and have sat and done nothing (except listen to uour ramble and write this).

Thriving conditions...hmm...food, water, love, time - time to create, to read, to nurture, time to reflect, time for family and memory-building, time for fun and giggling and enjoyment...

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Ahh I do love the sound of those little baa-babies.

Glad your trip to London went well Suzanne.

I’m not too sure what thriving looks like to me. I guess I’ve felt mainly in survival mode. And I know that’s ok!

I think that thriving for me is blossoming into the well-rooted, beautiful person we were meant to be. Fulfilling our purpose. Not sure I’m there... yet!

Adversity has allowed me to meet lots of superhuman people from different walks of life, many of whom I’ve never met, but who totally get me.

It’s enabled me to realise just how much fighting spirit I’ve got and it’s taught me to appreciate the little things in life.

It’s given be the courage to deep dive into myself and make changes to become a better me.

It’s made me realise how much I want to fight for change in this mixed up society we live in.

It’s made me appreciate that I’m so lucky to have friends and family that look out for me and asking for help is ok.

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